Bamboo Clothing - The Truth About Bamboo Clothing Material

The benefits of bamboo clothing continues to gain prominence within the world of fashion and while it's not at the top of the tree just yet, bamboo's remarkable resourcefulness as a material is becoming stronger each year.

Clothing is a multi billion dollar industry and materials such as cotton have dominated the scene for a long time. Those thinking green are now looking for alternatives and bamboo looks a natural choice.

One of the benefits of bamboo clothing is it's hypo-allergenic qualities. The plant has a strong anti bacterial nature assisted by what is known as Bamboo Kun. Allergy sufferers can benefit greatly through using bamboo clothing. Anti bacterial agents within the plant resist the risk of multiplying bacteria.

Bamboo Versatility

Another big benefit with bamboo clothing is it's great versatility. As a resource product, it's known for it's versatile nature and is now being recognized in the same light by the fashion world.


Simply because of it's ability as a fabric to adapt to the seasons. In other words, it has the ability to keep you cool in summer and warm in the winter. Bamboo clothing has insulation qualities unmatched by many other materials and from an economic point-of-view, this has got to represent big savings for the day-to-day shopper.

Alternative To Cotton

One of the major factors bamboo clothing is gaining ground on cotton materials is simply because of it's production aspects. As a plant, bamboo doesn't need to be sprayed with pesticides to keep it free of bugs and disease. The same cannot be said for cotton.

From and environmentalists point-of-view, this is a major factor in choosing bamboo clothing over cotton. Bamboo in it's natural state also retains water making it a viable farming product and when you consider it is one of the most sustainable plants on the planet, then the argument for it's widespread use continues to gather momentum.

Bamboo Sheets - The Benefits Of Bamboo Bedding Material


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